Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

In keeping with this weekend's them of babies and little ones, today was the birthday party for my cousin Lauren who turned 2 last Thursday. She had a great time opening her mountain of presents and marvelling over each one and we had a great time watching the whole thing :)

The birthday girl's mom made a delicious ice cream sandwich cake that was so good I had to share the recipe with you. All you need is ice cream sandwiches, Cool Whip, caramel sauce and Skor pieces. First arrange a layer of ice cream sandwiches in the pan of your choice. You can always cut them in half if they don't fit properly. Next spread a layer of Cool Whip over the sandwiches followed by a layer of caramel and Skor pieces. Then repeat that whole process on top of your existing layers. You can make it as many layers tall as you like. Then just pop it in the freezer until you're ready to enjoy. Could that be any easier?!

On the drive home my husband and I were brainstorming different variations you could try. How about chocolate sauce and Toblerone pieces? Or crushed up Oreos to make a cookies and cream cake? Yum! You could make this cake to suit any taste.

I borrowed the picture below from the fabulous bake at 350 but all credit to Michelle for tonight's awesome cake idea!

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