I’ll admit it – up to now, challah has intimidated me. I’ve long wanted to make it myself but was pretty sure that I’d never be able to figure out the braid or get the consistency right. I once made bread machine challah but it was a poor imitation of the real thing. Enter The Shiksa in the Kitchen, Tori Avey. Tori manages to make traditional Jewish foods incredibly accessible with her simple, straightforward recipes and instructions. I followed her recipe for challah and her braiding instructions and baked up some truly delicious bread!
What I learned is that anyone can make challah as long as you have patience. You need to let the dough rise multiple times and the whole process takes several hours but it’s well worth it. I followed Tori’s instructions to the letter and I’m so glad I did because I impressed myself with both the taste of the bread and my braid. This is just the simple three strand braid (much like what you’d use to braid your hair) but starting off this way has given me the confidence to try with additional strands next time. And there will be a next time because this challah was just that good!
Be sure to visit The Shiksa in the Kitchen for tons more delicious recipes and inspiration!

P.S. No, this hasn’t turned into a Jewish food blog – Chris and I just made a lot of really great dishes for Rosh Hashanah. Later this week I’ll have Homemade Butterfingers and a new DIY Birthday Card so stay tuned!
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